Toronto's #1 Food Safety Trainer
Menus | Recipe Development | Event Planning
Menu Planning
​The Spice Lady understands that variety is the spice of life! This translates well when planning the perfect menu for your family, friends, or special event.
We provide modifications and/or make recommendations for recipes using creativity and a sensitive palate.
Choose from a myriad of ethnic cuisines and dietary preferences, such as gluten free, dairy free, vegan, vegetarian. If you are watching what you eat, we can plan recipes without the inclusion of excessive fats, processed sugars, or sodium.
For a quote on your specific recipe development need, fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page. The Spice Lady will contact you to answer all your questions.
If you would like to share more about your dietary preferences, please complete this Food Preference Intake form. We'll get back to you with some ideas.
Recipe Development
The Spice Lady’s recipe development expertise guides you into eating fresh, delicious and eating healthy meals. Achieve eating healthy goals with the foods you love!
We take the information from your diet plan, and provide recipes with produce in season or possibly ethnic inspired to fit your goals. This allows us to cut out the bad stuff and and heighten flavour. We accomplish this with exotic spices, aromatics, and love.
We transform fresh ingredients into sumptuous morsels that everyone can cook. And, along the way provide helpful tips on how food is best bought and prepared.
Event Planning
Have a special idea about dinner for the family, your loved one, or bachelorette event? Ask The Spice Lady about creative ways to impress or take the load off the host. We consult with our associates for a turnkey, happy, and memorable event. Fill out the form with details of your event, and The Spice Lady will get back to you with ideas and a quote.
Words of Inspiration for Healthy Eating
They’re seen as testy, complex and a little heavy handed. So it goes with the onion…
They’re often accused of being unstable, reducing its operator to tears and
having toomany layers to figure out. But cut off its ends and it sits
beautifully. Chop the root endof the onion last, no more tears.
Dice into small pieces and it inspires all who bask in its favour.
Author Unknown
Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw
Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat.