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ADVANCED.fst Management Two Mornings

Management level training. Virtual course with webcam exam.

177 Canadian dollars

BASICS.fst - Employee Level - Food Safety Training

ADVANCED.fst® 4th Edition In class virtual class with Webcam Exam 9:00 am to 1:00 pm - Both Days ADVANCED.fst® is a Canadian government approved management level food safety program. It centres on the role of foodservice and food retail leaders in measuring risks, setting policies, and training and supervising employees. Pour le français clicquez ici The course fee is all inclusive, with the invigilated exam that you must write after completing the virtual video conference course. Course Overview ADVANCED.fst® is a management level food safety training course. The course will help food handlers and management within the Foodservice/ Food Retail sectors learn important information about food safety. It will help them to do their job better. The information and recommendations in this course are based on the Food Retail and Food Services Regulation (FRFSRC) and the Food Retail and Food Services Code (FRFSC), Health Canada and The Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Who Should Take the Course? This course is designed for owner/operators, managers, chefs and any employee who wants to take their food safety knowledge to the next level. You do not have to complete BASICS.fst® to take this course. Course Objectives The primary objective of this food safety course is to provide participants with the information required to ensure employee and customer safety. It should also help to reduce the liability of business. This course is designed for individual study with an introduction and food safety culture section, followed by 15 units: 1. Regulatory Agencies and Inspections 2. Food Safety Essentials 3. Microbiology 4. Food Allergies 5. Personal Hygiene 6. Purchasing and Receiving 7. Storing Food Safely 8. Keeping Food Safe During Preparation and Service 9. Introducing the HACCP System 10. Prerequisite Programs 11. Adapting HACCP Principles in Your Operation 12. Facilities and Equipment 13. Thermometers 14. Cleaning and Sanitizing 15. Pest Management Throughout the training, students will be challenged with case studies and practice exercises to help them reach the learning objectives.

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Cancellation Policy

Once payment has been made, your spot may be re-scheduled. Book your seat in a one month period from when the first course was booked. There is no additional charge to re-schedule.

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