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If you have landed on this page, Google took it out  of hiding.
You can now book your classes and pay using these links:

*The following information is from an old page!*



Use the scroll bars to move up and down to view courses listed in the grid below.


In Class Courses (Ontario)


  1. Choose the date that you would like to attend. 

  2. Book the number of spots (number of people).

  3. You will receive an email approving your bookings.

  4. Then come back to this site and click the purchase button to pay.


Online Courses (Canada)


  1. For ALL online courses, disregard dates and times in the course registration below.

  2. Choose your desired online course. For full course descriptions, click on these links, Food Safety Courses for CertificationWHMIS , HACCP, Allergen Training, and Respectful Workplace.

  3. In the course listing below, click on the course "see times" button, click any of the times, and answer applicable registration questions to purchase the number of online course(s) per person.

  4. Wait for the approval email.

  5. Once approved, come back to click the purchase course button.

  6. Purchase the course(s). 

  7. Once you have received your payment receipt, PIN number(s) for access to the course content will be emailed to you. May take a day to receive your PINS.


Technical Requirements for Online Courses


What hardware and software is required to do a course online?


  • Operating System:Any OS can be used

  • RAM:  2 MB recommended

  • Screen Resolution:  1024 x 768

  • Sound:  Basic sound card

  • Internet Access Speed:  Broadband/High Speed (recommended)

  • Web Browser:  All current versions (IE version 8 or higher; any versions of Firefox, Chrome, or Safari)


Will the courses work on my tablet?


Yes, this is no problem. You can access your account 24/7 from your tablet that has an Internet connection.

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