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What The Spice Lady Typically Eats in a Day

Strawberry Rhubarb Compote on melted Saint-Paulin Cheese Over Walnut Batard

Every morning I eat my Steel Cut Oats, Berries, and Walnuts. Or on the weekends, 2/3 cup of President’s Choice Blue Menu Omega – 3 Granola, 30% Fruit, Seeds & Nuts. I add a serving of fruit to the bowl with 3/4 cup of skim milk. You can eat any serving of whole grain cereal you enjoy.

Mid Morning Snack

Usually a serving of fresh fruit or Probiotic yogurt serving.


Every afternoon around noon I eat some version of my Power Lunch Salad (for images of Power Lunch Salad variations, check out Fad Diets Shmad Diets article).

Steel Cut Oats, Walnuts, and Berries

Power Lunch Salad – sardines

Mussels steamed in a spicy fragrant tomato broth.

Dark chocolate ganache dip with berries.

  • I fill up a dinner sized plate with as much greens as I can eat in a sitting…arugula, watercress, baby romaine or spinach, Mache rosettes, fresh basil, and parsley anything green that is leafy, that is anything but iceberg lettuce!! Horrors…no flavour, little nutrition…ok maybe some fiber in it…

  • Top off the greens with an array of colourful veggies

  • 1/4 cup walnuts. They are the highest in omega 3’s.

  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries. They are flavanoids, i.e. antioxidants and anti inflammatory.

  • 4 ounces of protein of your choice

  • Drizzle with about 1 tsp each of healthful oil, any kind of vinegar or citrus, 1/4 tsp unrefined sweetener, small sprinkling of coarse kosher salt, fresh ground black peppercorns (Tellicherry are the most flavourful) and/or any dried or fresh herbs of my choice.

Enjoy a nice cuppa or two of hot water, Roibosh (red bush tea), white tea, green tea, with some slices of citrus, fresh ginger, cinnamon sticks, fresh mint, chamomile buds or other aromatics to my liking. Maybe 1/4 tsp turmeric added to the water.

Mid Afternoon Snack

I look forward to munching on a mixture of 1/2 cup of cheerios (3 grms of fiber),

1/4 cup whole almonds or hazelnuts with skins on, and 1/4 cup dried cranberries.

Or A serving of salsa verde or any other pure salsa blend (low sodium no sugar),

1/3 cup of low fat cheese and microwave for 1 minute.

For dipping, In my toaster oven I bake myself some organic whole grain sprouted corn tortilla or sprouted grain chips with a drizzle of olive oil and a tiny bit of coarse kosher salt. The whole thing takes about 10 minutes to do.


4 or 5 oz. of protein made with flavourings, spices, and herbs.

Some kind of beans, squash, or sweet potato as a side.

If I really feel like having a starch, a serving of potato, whole grain rice or pasta.

Examples of dinners:
  • Portuguese Style Cod in Fennel Seed Scented Tomato Sauce Over Spaghetti Squash

  • Honey Garlic Chicken with Moroccan Spices

  • Steamed Mussels in Stewed Tomato Broth w/ New Mexico Chili & Fresh Herbs

Evening Snack

A serving of popcorn, plain or maybe with some flavourings like fresh sage, lemon and 1 teaspoon brown butter!

Serving of fruit Serving of probiotic yogurt.

4 squares of 65% or over dark chocolate, or any snacks outlined for mid day snacks.

I can get very creative with all the above. I do not limit condiments like a tablespoon or two of grainy Dijon, creamy horseradish, fish sauce, Thai chili sauce… flavourings and/or fresh and dried herbs and spices.

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